
What would it take today to be the equivalent of a six-figure earner when you were born?
You would need to make

in 2024 to be the equivalent of a six-figure earner in

Likewise, if you currently make ; it's the equivalent of


What about a millionaire? If you wanted to be the equivalent of a millionare in , you would need to currently have

Salary Change

What year did you start working at your current company?
What was your salary?


What did a typical car cost in ?

You would've purchased something like a

for roughly

which is the equivalent of

in 2024 dollars.

The actual typical cost of a new car now is for something like a (the most popular car currently being sold).


What did monthly rent typically cost in ?

The average rent in the US was

which is the equivalent of

in 2024 dollars.

The actual average cost of rent now is .

Home Purchases

What did a house cost to buy in ?

The average home price in the US was

which is the equivalent of

in 2024 dollars.

The actual average cost of a home now is .


What did it cost to go to college in ?

A four-year degree at a public university was

which is the equivalent of

in 2024 dollars.

What about a a private university? If you wanted to attend a private university for a four-year degree in , you would have spent ~, which is the equivalent of in 2024 dollars.

The actual cost of a public university four-year degree now is , and a private university is .


I created this website as a way to figure out why I, as a software developer, felt like my income should be going farther than it does. I add to this website here and there, and always looking for ideas to add to it. Feel free to open GitHub and make a pull request or open an issue. The code is all just basic HTML and vanilla Javascript, so no frameworks needed.
American data is pulled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and calculated using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) CUSR0000SA0 series.
South African data is pulled from Stats SA.
For full list of data sources, see the source code in the GitHub link.